Still At Work In The Catacombs

The Windhaven Network Goblins

We’re still kicking around in the catacombs of our secret base. But we felt like we should surface to let y’all know we ain’t dead (yet). Amazon recently deactivated our store account there because they apparently took issue with our fearless leader having his own seller account separate from ours. This left us perplexed as… Continue reading Still At Work In The Catacombs

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Mama Peggy’s Recipes & Ruminations

Our first release of 2018 is going to the printers next week. We are proud and honored to publish the long-awaited cookbook by North Carolina native Peggy Chaney, titled Mama Peggy’s Recipes & Ruminations.

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StatCounter Disabled

Okay, ya’ll. We made a bad call. Once upon a time some of our clients were asking for a process in which they could check their web site stats at any time. Due to server security, we couldn’t just give everyone access to server logs, and the stat counter plug-ins for WordPress are notoriously inaccurate.

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